Liz y Haroon es una de esas parejas que te enamora nada más conocerlos. Su cariño y confianza en nuestro trabajo hicieron que el camino que comenzamos juntos, hace ya más de un año, lo disfrutáramos a cada paso. Desde el primer Skype en la distancia hasta la última reunión en nuestro estudio, trabajamos con ellos para que tuvieran la boda de sus sueños.

Monique Lhuillier. Los pendientes, la pulsera, el velo o sus especiales zapatos Jimmy Choo, ella había escogido cada detalle con todo el cariño.

Si queréis ver más fotos de esta preciosa boda, podéis hacerlo en nuestro site, aquí os dejamos el vídeo resumen de ese gran día!
Fotografías: Diez&Bordons Vídeo: A&Y Videography
Liz and Haroon are one of those couples you immediately adore. Thanks to their love and confidence in our work, we were all able to enjoy every step of the journey we started together (a year ago, now!). From the very first Skype conversation we had, until the last meeting in our office, we worked with them until the end, so they could have the wedding of their dreams.
It was September 3rd, a perfect sunny day for an outdoor celebration in this little boutique hotel with sea views that we found specially for them. Liz was a little bit nervous but excited, she couldnt wait to wear her amazing Monique Lhuillier wedding dress. The earrings, the bracelet, the veil and her Jimmy Choo’s, everything, was perfect. She chose every detail with all her affection (and she looked AMAZING!).
Meanwhile, in the next room, Haroon was getting ready with his friends after taking a refreshing dip in the pool. He was waiting to put up his bow tie, the cufflinks and the boutonniere, while the groomsmen rehearsed the poem that would be recited to Liz moments later (following a Catalan tradition). The couple, who came from rainy England, wanted sun and sea and so their ceremony could only be in a garden overlooking the Mediterranean. After the » I Do», Liz and Haroon were finally greeted by all their friends and family and enjoyed with them an entertaining and delicious aperitif. And yes, we are not going to fool you, this is always the best part!
At nightfall, when the sun was already hiding, the most awaited moment arrived. The garlands of lights lit up, and a beautiful garland of bougainvillea glowed brightly over the long table where friends and family were sitting together. A dinner full of details that was enjoyed amongst speeches that brought with them tears and many laughs too.
Liz and Haroon: thank you very much for letting us be a part of your beautiful story, which has only started.